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Lot | Photo | Description | Realized |
Lot 327 |
/o 1847-1974, massive mounted collection, housed in 8 Scott National albums, plus loose pages from another album where catalog value adds up quickly, featuring classics which are predominantly used, commemoratives in singles, sets, blocks of 4 and plate number blocks, airmails, special deliveries, officials, parcel posts, revenues, cut squares and postal stationery; the final album is United Nations and not counted in catalog value but many items that catalog between $50-$500; range of centering is very good to fine but some nice one too; numerous items not counted as we question genuineness; we have imaged several of the key pages to give you a flavor of this lot; great for the dealer who wants to break it up or for the collector who wants to fill some spaces or add to this unique gigantic lot! Tons of catalog value and with minimal duplication. Shipping weight 75 lbs / 34 kilos. Scott $25,430+. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000. View details and enlarged photo | Realized $2,500 |
Lot 328 |
o 1851-1917, used collection, all F.-V.F., 51 all different, neatly identified, including: 1851 issue: #7 ($140), 9 ($100), 10 ($190), 15 ($145), 17 ($250); 1857 issue: #20 ($275), 24, 25 ($190), 29 ($400), 32 ($190), 33 ($190), 38 ($475); 1861 issue: #63, 68; 1869 issue: #114, 115 ($225); Banknotes: #134 ($200), 146, 150, 166 ($300), 189, 209, 216; 1890 issues: #228, 240 ($175), 285; 1901 issue: #309, 311; Wash-Franklins: #341, 342, 352 ($225), 353 ($220), 392, 394, 411, 414, 415, 421, 444, 447, 448, 452-455, 456 ($170), 457, 458, 469, 480. No faults and no gems but no dogs either, just good salable stamps, a nice lot for the collector or dealer. Scott $5,144. Estimate $1,200 - 1,500. View details and enlarged photo | Unsold | |
Lot 329 |
o 1851-1980, neatly mounted used collection, in two American Heirloom Collection albums, sparse in the classics but then more plentiful in the 20th century, predominately used but a few mint stamps throughout; not image entirely but all the key pages are to give a flavor; the modern section contains approximately $50 in face value postage; this lot includes airmails, officials, postage dues and parcels posts; overall condition is good to very fine a few potential finds in this lot! Shipping weight 8 lbs / 3.6 kilos. Scott $1,897+. Estimate $200 - 300. View details and enlarged photo | Realized $150 |
Lot 330 |
o 1852-1869, used classics collection, 33 different stamps from a dealer's stock of better items, neatly identified on stock pages. Includes: 1851 issue: 9 ($100), 12 ($775), 17 ($250); 1857 issue: 20 ($275), 32 ($190), 33 ($190), 36 ($300); 1861 issue: 68 ($60), 69 ($95), 71 ($250), 75 ($485), 76 ($125), 77 ($175), 78b ($450; 1867 issue D grill: 85 ($1100); 1867 issue E grill: 86 ($450), 87 ($200), 89 ($350), 90 ($375), 91 ($575); 1867 issue F grill: 92 ($425), 95 ($850), 96 ($250), 97 ($250), 98 ($275), 99 ($1500), 100 ($1000); 1869 issue: 112 ($140), 115 ($225), 117 ($130), 118 ($850), 119 ($190), 120 ($650). All appear to be sound, genuine and off-center. A great way to acquire numerous high-catalog items at a bargain price. Scott $13,525. Estimate $800 - 1,200. View details and enlarged photo | Realized $1,000 |
Lot 331 |
o 1857-1938, used collection, all V.G.-Fine, 37 different, all identified, all either Fine or V.G., with catalog values ranging from $3 to $750. Includes: 1857 issue: #20 ($275), 26; 1861 issue: #65, 67 ($750, repaired), 68, 69, 70 ($300), 73, 75 ($425, faults), 76 ($125), 77 ($175, faults), 78b ($450); 1867 grills: #86 ($450), 87 ($200), 88, 89 ($350), 90 $375), 92 ($425), 93, 94, 96 ($250), 98 ($275); 1869 issue: #113, 114, 119 ($190), 120 ($650); Banknotes: #135, 137 ($425), 162 ($135), 208 ($110), 218 ($225); Wash-Franklins etc: #390, 391, 394, 443, 832b (faults). Many useful stamps here, especially for the retail dealer or eBay. Please check the scans on the web. $1445 catalog value with faults, $5885 are sound. Scott $7,330 total. Estimate $600 - 800. View details and enlarged photo | Realized $600 |
Lot 332 |
o 1857-1917, used collection in outstanding quality, 23 stamps in all, with a few graded items (certificates are imaged on our website), all with exceptional centering even some jumbos and many with minor fault such as tiny pinhole or corner creases, the lot includes Scott #'s 26, 68, 73, 113, 161, 179, 184, 185 (x2), 190, 206, 216, 217, 282C, 284, 307, 310, 326, 399, 404, 504 (x2) and E5; a great lot for the used collector who wants to fill spaces with some eye-catching stamps! overall Very Fine. Scott $670. Estimate $150 - 200. View details and enlarged photos | Realized $150 |
Lot 333 |
o 1862-1988, small beginner's collection of mint and used, in older mounts on album pages. Includes a smattering of early issues to about 1915, then some definitives, airmail, special delivery and other back-of-the-book, with the main value from 1918 on. Best item is a hinged C18. Usual mixed condition with some faults on early issues, F.-V.F. for the more modern. Scott approximately $600. Estimate $60 - 80. View details and enlarged photos | Realized $50 |
Lot 334 |
/o 1869-1919, small group of better items with certificates and with problems, including: 117 used (PSAG certificate, "small corner crease", catalog value $130); 209 o.g. (P.F. certificate, "reperfed", $160); 327 o.g. (P.F. certificate, "pulled perf", $125); 390 line pair (P.F. certificate, "bottom stamp never hinged with a gum blend", graded VF-XF 85, $35); K13 without gum (P.F. certificate, "fake cancel", $120 as mint); and O5 unused (Crowe certificate, "part o.g.", $525). Mostly V.F.-X.F. centering, an interesting lot of near misses. Scott $1,095. Estimate $150 - 200. View details and enlarged photos | Realized $170 |
Lot 335 |
/o 1870's-1940's, eclectic mystery mix, a haphazard lot house in a small box but has some worthwhile items to pick out in additional to some nice mint postage and U.S. souvenir sheets, includes a stack of FDC's and a little stack of unused Crystal and Westvaco mounts probably worth $25 by themselves, a real treasure trove sure to elicit some fun and finds; partially imaged on the website. Estimate $100 - 150. View details and enlarged photo | Realized $70 |
Lot 336 |
o 1870-79, collection of 6¢ Lincolns, C.B.N.C., N.B.N.C., A.B.N.C. printings (Scott 148, 159, 186), 256 stamps in varying shade varieties and mixed condition with some neat cancels and nice stamps throughout. Scott $5,100+. Estimate $600 - 800. View details and enlarged photos | Unsold | |
Lot 337 |
/ 1879-1940, visually stunning grouping of lots that are exceptionally well centered, some with minor faults, 13 have certificates (some graded, some not) which are imaged on the website; overall a great lot with many eye-catching items, perfect for the collector looking to fill spaces with relatively inexpensive stamps or for the dealer's stock who loves to have beautiful stamps on hand; lot includes Scott #'s 205, 219D, 225, 231, 236, 270, 285, 339, 370, 397, 507, 512, 555, 568, 644,701, JQ1, LO3, PS4, and PS7; a really nice lot that should command a premium! Scott $1,065. Estimate $200 - 300. View details and enlarged photo | Realized $170 |
Lot 338 |
/o 1893-1958, mixture of mostly unused, 58 stamps including Scott #'s 269, 279, 281, 282, 285, 286 (x2), 289, 290 (x2), 294, 295, 297, 299, 300, 301, 304, 305, 306 (x2), 307, 308, 309, 319, 323 324, 325 326 328 (x2), 329, 331, 334, 337, 377, 378, 424, 425, 425e, 430, 455, 465, 466, 493, C6, C10 (x2), C19, C51a, E3, E4, E13, RW8, RW13 signed, and RB4; an interesting little group with a few very high catalog. Centering ranges from F.-V.F. downward, o.g., hinged. Scott $3,270. Estimate $250 - 350. View details and enlarged photos | Realized $300 |
Lot 339 |
//o 1898-1986, commemorative issues collection, mostly mint, in mounts on Mystic Stamp Co. pages. Includes a scattering of used to 1934, nearly complete mint from 1935 to 1986. A nice starter collection, generally Fine to Very Fine, a small sampling is imaged on the web. Shipping weight 4.9 lbs / 2.25 kilos. Scott approximately $600. Estimate $50 - 75. View details and enlarged photo | Realized $35 |
Lot 340 |
o 1898-1941, eclectic used balanced lot, comprised of 28 items including Scott #'s 285, 288, 290 (x2) 294, 297, 302, 303, 304, 305, 309, 310 (x2), 323, 335, 336, 397, 398, 399, 403, C1 92), C31, E4 and E8, generally Fine or F.-V.F. Scott $445. Estimate $40 - 60. View details and enlarged photo | Realized $30 |
Lot 341 |
/o 1918-1985, mostly mint collection, in mounts on album pages, filling a large binder. Main value is in early airmail including C1-6 and C18. There are numerous commemoratives from the 1920's on, and extensive modern issues, also a section of duplicated used. A useful beginner's collection with lots and lots of stamps, generally Fine to Very Fine, a small sampling is imaged on the web. Shipping weight 5 lbs / 2.3 kilos. Scott approximately $1,500. Estimate $150 - 200. View details and enlarged photos | Realized $180 |
Lot 342 |
/ 1920-1937, plate blocks, group of 10 mostly different, including #548, 554, 565 (two, one hinged with some separations, one never hinged), 611 (one top, one side), 622, 641, 678 and 796, o.g., earlier issues mostly hinged, later issues (611 onward) all never hinged, generally Fine to Very Fine. Scott $1,539. Estimate $300 - 400. View details and enlarged photos | Realized $225 |
Lot 343 |
1933-1934, commemorative plate blocks group, including Scott #'s 731, 741-749 and 754 (imperf), all imaged on the website; a lovely little group for the plate number enthusiast, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $121. Estimate $40 - 60. View details and enlarged photos | Realized $35 |
Lot 344 |
1933-1939, souvenir sheets group, including the Farleys #730, 731 (creased between row one and two), 735, 752, 751 and the 1939 Philatelic Truck souvenir card with gum (hinged); a neat little group. Scott $100. Estimate $40 - 60. View details and enlarged photos | Realized $40 |
Lot 345 |
/o Back-of-the-Book, 1891-1935, mostly mint group, 22 mostly different including 2 plate blocks. Predominantly special delivery or postage due + a few others. Very mixed condition, some no gum or regummed, some o.g., even a few never hinged, plus a used revenue. Centering is typically Fine or F.-V.F. Some wheat, some chaff. Scott $2,031. Estimate $150 - 200. View details and enlarged photos | Realized $160 |
Lot 346 |
/ Booklets, 1907-1996, all mint collection of booklet panes and unexploded booklets, in mounts in 2 White Ace albums. Better items including #300b, 319g (n.h.), 331a (n.h.), C10a (pane and full booklet), plus a run of booklets from 1976-1996. Reasonably clean, o.g., many never hinged, generally Fine to Very Fine. Shipping weight 6.8 lbs / 3.1 kilos. Scott approximately $4,000. Estimate $750 - 1,000. View details and enlarged photos | Realized $650 |
Lot 347 |
/o Revenues, 1862-1949, small group of better items, including: 1st Issue imperf: #R32a ($90), R61a ($140), R66a pair ($90), R86a ($250), R90a ($250), R91a ($200; 1st Issue part perf: #R19b ($30), R52b ($90); 1st Issue perf: #R50c ($45); Documentaries: #R128 ($260), R140 ($50), R152c ($125), R353 ($85), R478 ($67.50), R486-500 ($80), R528 ($72.50). Nice condition overall, generally Fine to Very Fine. Scott $1,925. Estimate $400 - 600. View details and enlarged photos | Unsold | |
Lot 348 |
Tax Paid Revenues, 1953-1955, attractive mint collection, in mounts on Mystic Stamp Co. album pages, including cigarette stamps, cigar stamps, snuff stamps and tobacco stamps - approximately 250 different stamps, all Scott unlisted, and apparently 90% complete for the period. In excellent condition, generally Very Fine, seldom seen. A small sampling has been photographed. Shipping weight 4.2 lbs / 1.9 kilos. Estimate $200 - 300. View details and enlarged photos | Unsold | |
Lot 349 |
() Hunting Permits, 1935-1967, nearly complete for the period, missing only 1959, in older Protective Mounts on album pages. A test of RW2 showed it stuck to backing, therefore the whole collection has been cataloged as no gum. Decent centering, generally Fine to Very Fine. Scott $1,283. Estimate $250 - 350. View details and enlarged photos | Unsold | |
Lot 350 |
/ Hunting Permits, 1943-1975, small dealer's stock, including the following: NH: RW10 (x4), RW12 (x2), RW13, RW19 (x2), RW24, RW30, RW35 and RW42; LH: RW5, RW12 and RW17 (x2); NG: RW5, RW6. Centering varies from F.-V.F. downward. Scott $1,745. Estimate $300 - 400. View details and enlarged photos | Unsold | |
Lot 351 |
Hunting Permits, 1988-2005, group of 11 different (Scott RW55, RW64-68, RW70-72, etc.), including 2 Louisiana state duck stamps, RW55, RW64-68, RW70-72, etc., o.g., never hinged, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $322. Estimate $75 - 100. View details and enlarged photo | Unsold |
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