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Lote 552


1857-1980, meaty mint and used collection, housed in Scott's Minuteman Album, includes classic issues typically used but also many mint stamps from 1926 to the 1980's, of note is a #39 (fake cancel), #70, #73, #524 (mint n.h.), #550, #658-659 Kansas-Nebraska complete, all the Farleys in souvenir sheets, singles (perfed and imperf) including gutter pairs, the Prexies complete, the Overrun Countries complete; catalog value and identification of the better stamps are noted in the stamp album and are mostly imaged, the visibly damaged stamps not counted; a great collection full of singles and sets for resale or the collector looking to fill lots of spaces, many images on the website to give a flavor of this album. Scott $3,605.
Estimate $400 - 600.

Adjudicación $950

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