Auction 76

Collector Series

Single Stamps and Sets

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Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 1
Great Britain, 1840, Queen Victoria First Issue, 1d black (SG 2. Scott 1), plate 3, lettered G-F, 4 margins, red Maltese Cross cancel, Fine. SG £500 ($640). Scott $575.
Estimate $150 - 200.
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Lot 2
Great Britain, 1847-54, Queen Victoria (embossed), 1s pale green, 10d brown and 6d dull lilac (Scott 5, 6, 7a. SG 54, 57, 59), each with almost 4 full margins (the 10d just in at top, others close or touching). Attractive examples of these extremely narrow-margined issues, almost Fine. Scott $3,375. SG £3,500 ($4,500).
Estimate $300 - 400.
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Lot 3
Great Britain, 1884, Queen Victoria, 5s rose on white paper, Anchor watermark and 1902, King Edward VII, De La Rue printing, 10s ultramarine (SG 180, 265. Scott 108, 141), a lovely pair of used stamps, Fine to Very Fine. SG £750 ($960). Scott $890.
Estimate $100 - 150.
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Lot 4

Great Britain, 1884, Queen Victoria, 10s ultramarine on white paper, Anchor watermark (Scott 109. SG 183), fresh and well centered, o.g., Very Fine. Scott $2,625. SG £2,250 ($2,890).
Estimate $500 - 750.
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Lot 5
Great Britain, 1884, Queen Victoria, £1 brown lilac, Imperial Crowns watermark (Scott 110. SG 185), a superior quality example of this rare high value, beautifully well centered, with neat black oval and red crayon cancels, Very Fine. Scott $3,500. SG £3,000 ($3,860).
Estimate $600 - 800.
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Lot 6

Aden, 1937, Dhow, ½a to 10r complete (Scott 1-12. SG 1/12), set of 12, o.g., lightly hinged (some are n.h.), Fine to Very Fine. Scott $775.
Estimate $250 - 350.
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Lot 7

Ascension, 1938, King George VI Pictorial, ½d to 10s complete, including all major perf. varieties (Scott 40-49, 40a-49b. SG 38/47), set of 30, o.g., lightly hinged, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $498. SG £462 ($590).
Estimate $120 - 180.
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Lot 8

Canadian Provinces: Newfoundland, 1919-33, a selection of 4 better sets and singles (Scott 172-182, etc.), including:
1931, Re-engraved issue, 1¢ to 30¢ complete, unwatermarked (#172-182);
Airmail, 1919, $1 on 15¢ "Trans-Atlantic" (#C2);
Airmail, 1931, Pictorial issue, 15¢ to $1 complete, unwatermarked (#C6-C8); and
Airmail, 1933, Labrador complete (#C13-C17).
Attractive items, o.g., hinged, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $729.
Estimate $100 - 150.
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Lot 9

Canadian Provinces: Newfoundland, Airmail, 1933, $4.50 on 75¢ Balbo Flight (Scott C18), o.g., hinge remnant, Very Fine, signed Bloch. Scott $325.
Estimate $75 - 100.
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Lot 10
Canada, 1851, Prince Albert, 6d slate violet, on laid paper, imperforate (Scott 2), 4 full to large margins, lightly canceled, Very Fine. Scott $1,500.
Estimate $400 - 600.
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Lot 11
Canada, 1855, Prince Albert, 6d brownish gray, on wove paper, imperforate (Scott 5a), 4 clear to large margins, face free cancel, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $1,150.
Estimate $250 - 350.
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Lot 12
Canada, 1903, King Edward VII, 10¢ brown lilac (Scott 93), a gorgeous stamp, almost perfectly centered, expertly regummed, Extremely Fine to Superb. Scott $400 for o.g.
Estimate $75 - 100.
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Lot 13

Canada, 1903, King Edward VII, 20¢ olive green (Scott 94), o.g., hinged, Very Fine. Scott $750.
Estimate $150 - 200.
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Lot 14
Ceylon, 1857, Queen Victoria, 1d blue, blued paper, imperf., Large Star watermark (Scott 1. SG 2b), Fine used. Scott $500. SG £225 ($290).
Estimate $120 - 180.
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Lot 15
Ceylon, 1859, Queen Victoria, 6d deep brown, imperf., Large Star watermark (Scott 7a. SG 6b), Fine used. Scott $1,150. SG £1,200 ($1,540).
Estimate $200 - 300.
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Lot 16

Gold Coast, 1883, Queen Victoria, ½d olive yellow, Crown CA watermark (Scott 10. SG 9), fresh and well centered, o.g., hinged, Very Fine. Scott $275. SG £300 ($380).
Estimate $100 - 150.
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Lot 17

Gold Coast, 1883, Queen Victoria, 1d blue, Crown CA watermark (Scott 12. SG 10), large part o.g., Fine. Scott $1,000. SG £1,000 ($1,280).
Estimate $250 - 350.
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Lot 18

Ireland, Postage Due, 1971, 1p to 8p complete (Scott J15-J21. SG D15/21), set of 8 in complete sheets of 60, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine. Scott $840.
Estimate $100 - 150.
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Lot 19

Jordan, 1933, Pictorials complete (Scott 185-198. SG 208/221), set of 14, o.g., hinged or hinge remnant; a few with minor perf. tip toning on the reverse, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Scott $1,012. SG £1,000 ($1,280).
Estimate $200 - 300.
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Lot 20

Montserrat, 1876, "MONTSERRAT" on Antigua 6d blue green (Scott 2d. SG 3), Crown CC watermark, unusually nice, o.g., very lightly hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1,350. SG £1,500 ($1,930).
Estimate $400 - 600.
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Lot 21

North Borneo: Labuan, 1880, Queen Victoria, 12¢ carmine (Scott 9. SG 9), fresh and well centered, o.g., hinge remnant, Very Fine. Scott $330. SG £300 ($380).
Estimate $100 - 150.
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Lot 22

North Borneo: Labuan, 1899, 4¢ surcharges on Coat of Arms complete (Scott 87-95. SG 102/110), set of 9, o.g., hinged or hinge remnant (4¢ on 50¢ with somewhat brownish o.g.), Fine to Very Fine. Scott $341. SG £275 ($350).
Estimate $80 - 120.
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Lot 23

St. Kitts-Nevis, 1963, 2¢ Queen Elizabeth II, yellow omitted (Scott 147a), o.g., never hinged, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $300.
Estimate $80 - 120.
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Lot 24

Sierra Leone, 1911, King Edward VII, £1 purple & black on red (Scott 102. SG 111), o.g., hinged, Very Fine. Scott $300. SG £300 ($380).
Estimate $100 - 150.
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Lot 25
South Africa: Cape of Good Hope, 1853, Triangular, Perkins Bacon printing, 4d deep blue on deeply blued paper (SG 2. Scott 2a), large margins all around, Very Fine. SG £300 ($380). Scott $375.
Estimate $100 - 150.
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Lot 26

South Africa: Natal, 1902, King Edward VII, £1 10s green & violet, Crown CC watermark (Scott 97. SG 143), o.g., very lightly hinged, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $600. SG £650 ($840).
Estimate $200 - 300.
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Lot 27

South Africa: Transvaal, 1892, Coat of Arms, £5 dark green (Scott 135), large part o.g., hinge remnant; small thin, Fine to Very Fine appearance. Scott $4,000.
Estimate $200 - 300.
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Lot 28

Tanganyika, 1922, Giraffe, 10s black & deep blue, watermark sideways (Scott 27a. SG 87), o.g., lightly hinged, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $300. SG £275 ($350).
Estimate $100 - 150.
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